Sprzęt AGD Miele, w tym pralki, należy do klasy premium. Nabywcy oferowane są najlepsze produkty na rynku. Oczywiście najnowszy i nowoczesny sprzęt AGD powinien mieć odpowiedni wizerunek. Ale faktem jest, że model pralki produkowany jest przez kilka lat, zazwyczaj od 3 do 5 lat. A jeśli pralki są drogie, to może się okazać, że dana pralka przeleżała w sklepie lub magazynie kilka lat, zanim trafiła do domu szczęśliwego nabywcy. A nie każdy klient zgodzi się na zakup modelu pralki wyprodukowanego kilka lat temu.
Dlatego polityka Miele jest taka, że klient nie musi wiedzieć, kiedy pralka została wyprodukowana. Data produkcji jest znana tylko firmie Miele.
Miele doskonale dba o wizerunek firmy, wydając biuletyny i broszury na temat swoich produktów. Ale jednocześnie nie zastrzega się, że np. prezentowany model pralki 2019 to model z 2018 roku z niewielkimi zmianami. Linia pralek jest aktualizowana stopniowo, powstaje nowy model; jest on dodawany do listy produkowanych pralek, a model pralki, który został wycofany z produkcji, jest usuwany z katalogu. A wiele takich modeli to w rzeczywistości modyfikacje jednego modelu. Ale tak właśnie zbudowany jest biznes AGD i wszystkie firmy stosują takie podejście do produkcji.
Data produkcji pralki Miele jak się dowiedzieć
Jest kilka sposobów, aby dowiedzieć się jaka jest data produkcji Państwa pralki Miele. Metody te nie są dokładne, podadzą Ci jedynie przybliżoną datę produkcji Twojej pralki Miele z przedziałem sześciu miesięcy.
- Możesz napisać list do pomocy technicznej. Dołącz numer seryjny i model pralki. Ponieważ wiele osób zadało to pytanie, nie zawsze można było uzyskać dokładną odpowiedź. Myślę, że najprawdopodobniej starsze modele pralek nie posiadają tej informacji lub nie zostały wprowadzone do bazy numerów seryjnych pralek.
- Poszukaj daty produkcji części do pralki. Ale nie będzie to dokładna data. Na przykład producenci części plastikowych stemplują, kiedy część została odlana. Ale jest to niedokładne i można to zobaczyć tylko na zdejmowanych częściach; zwykle taki stempel można znaleźć na wyjmowanym pojemniku na detergenty.
- Poszukaj informacji w Internecie; bardzo często znalezienie odpowiedzi zajmuje tylko około 5 minut. I tak, możesz użyć tylko recenzji lub katalogów, aby określić, w którym roku ten model pralki został sprzedany, w tym przypadku zmienność czasu może wynosić kilka lat.
Oto przykład, jak określić datę produkcji pralki za pomocą wyszukiwania w Internecie. Na przykład spójrz na ogłoszenie o pralce Miele na sprzedaż. Znamy model pralki, model W 487 WPS, a teraz poszukajmy w Internecie, jakie informacje możemy o niej znaleźć. Znalazłem recenzję o tej pralce z 2012 roku. Pralki z serii Miele W 487 WPS były produkowane bardzo około 2000 roku.

Postarałem się zebrać w tabeli listę modeli pralek Miele od 2010 do 2022 roku. Oczywiście nie jest to cała lista pralek Miele,
Lista nie jest dokładna, ponieważ w zależności od kraju oznaczenie numeru modelu pralki może się różnić. Niemniej jednak jest to przynajmniej niewielka część informacji. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, możesz zadać pytanie w komentarzach. Postaram się pomóc.
Pralki i suszarki Miele według lat 2010-2022
catalog country | year | model | load type | Type |
2010 | W 5988 WPS LW EcoComfort | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 5840 WPS LW EcoComfort | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 5982 WPS LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 5830 LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 5722 ED | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 3104 LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W1945 WPS EcoComfort LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 1914 LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 1713 LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | W 2859 IL WPM E ED | built-in | washer | |
2010 | W 2859 IR WPM E ED | built-in | washer | |
2010 | W 2819 IL WPM E ED | built-in | washer | |
2010 | W 2819 IR WPM E ED | built-in | washer | |
2010 | WT 2780 WPM LW | Front | washer dryer | |
2010 | WT 2789 i WPM ED | built-in | washer dryer | |
2010 | W 605 LW | top | washer | |
2010 | T 8986 WP LW | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 8626 WP LW | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 8822 С ED | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 8402 С LW | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 7944 С LW | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 7744 С LW | Front | dryer | |
2010 | T 4859 СI R E ED | built-in | dryer | |
2010 | T 4859 СI L E ED | built-in | dryer | |
2010 | T 4819 СI R E ED | built-in | dryer | |
2010 | T 4819 СI L E ED | built-in | dryer | |
2010 | W 3488 WPS Medicwash LW | Front | washer | |
2010 | T 4804 С MedicDry LW | Front | dryer | |
Germany | 2011 | W 1964 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 1966 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 3240 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 3241 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 3241 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 5902 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 5903 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | T 7634 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | W5831 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 5825 WPS ed | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | T 7644 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | W 65965 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 6564 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 6566 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 6766 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 6749 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 5841 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 143 WCS | Top | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 605 F WSC | Top | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 643 F WPM | Top | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 647 F WPM | Top | washer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8302 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 7974 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 7984 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8303 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8402 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8902 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8826 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8827WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8966 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8967 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 8000 Supertronic | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 9546 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 9666 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | T 9767 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2011 | W Supertronic CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 67-69 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 28-39 CH | built-in | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 59-69 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 19-79 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 58-41 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 59-05 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 58-25 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 17-35 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W SPECIAL S3 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | W 600-43CH | top | washer |
Germany | 2011 | WT 27-80 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2011 | T Supertronic WP CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 97-67 WP CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 89-67 WP CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 48-39 C CH | built-in | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 88-27 WP CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 89-23 C CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 87-25 CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 88-25 С CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 79-64 С CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 89-05 С CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T SPECIAL SA CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T SPECIAL SC CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | PW 5068 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | PW 5061 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | PT 5140 WP CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | PT 5139 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | PT 5138 C CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | T 8903 C | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 1714 WCS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 1935 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 1948 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 1949 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5000 WPS Supertronic | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5820 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5825 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5905 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5964 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5967 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 5969 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2011 | W 605 F WPM | Top | washer |
2011 | W 627 F WPM | Top | washer | |
2011 | WT 2780 WPM | Front | washer dryer | |
2012 | T 7634 | Front | dryer | |
2012 | W 3360 Silence | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5820 Silence | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5920 For All | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5876 WPS | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5820 Inox | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5888 WPS | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5000 WPS Autodosage | Front | washer | |
2012 | W 5902 For All | Front | washer | |
2012 | T 8902 С For All | top | washer | |
2012 | W 2819 I blanc CHD ou CHG | built-in | washer | |
2012 | W 2859 I blanc CHD ou CHG | built-in | washer | |
2012 | WT 2780 S | Front | washer dryer | |
2012 | WT 2789 i WPM inox CHD | built-in | washer dryer | |
2012 | T 8812 C | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8822 C | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8902 C For All | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8822 С inox | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8866 WP EcoComfort | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8001 WP EcoComfort | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 8722 | Front | dryer | |
2012 | T 4819 Ci blanc CHD | built-in | dryer | |
Germany | 2012 | T 4819 Ci inox CHD ou CHG | built-in | dryer |
Germany | 2012 | T 8860 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2012 | W 5872 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 4859 Ci | built-in | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7634 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7634 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7644 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7950 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8164 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8302 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8822 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WKF 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8823 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8857 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WMF 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8860 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WMH 260 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | WMR 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1914 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8903 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 2819 I WPM | built-in | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 2859 I ed | built-in | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 665F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 665F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 627F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 693F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | TMM 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | TKB 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | TKB 450 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8877 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 4819 Ci | built-in | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | TKG 450 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WT 2789i ed WPM | built-in | washer dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5839 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5887 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1914 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | TMG 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1906 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5903 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5885 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5965 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 6544 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 6546 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 6746 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 665 F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 665 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1714 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 693 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 183 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 183 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7934 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7944 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1935 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8303 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8802 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8803 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1935 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 194 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8823 ed | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8856 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8866 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8867 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8968 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8969 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8007 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 9646 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 9749 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WT 2780 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1948 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3164 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3370 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5877 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8812 Condenser | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5780 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8722 Vented | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8822 C Condenser | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 8866 WP Flacon Heat Pump | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1724 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1914 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7644 С Condenser | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7934 Vented | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T 7944 С Condenser | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | T7950 WP Heat Pump | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2013 | WT 2789i | built-in | washer dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 2819i | built-in | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 1949 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | WT 2780 | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2013 | W 2859i WPM | built-in | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3250 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3250 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3251 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3251 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 3251 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5000 WPS Supertronic | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5820 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5821 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5825 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5861 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5872 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5889 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2013 | W 5905 WPS | Front | washer |
2013 | W 5964 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | W 5967 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | W 5969 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | W 627 F WPM | top | washer | |
2013 | W 668F WCS | top | washer | |
2013 | W 668F WPM | top | washer | |
2013 | W 695F WPM | top | washer | |
2013 | WKF 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WKG 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WKH 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WKH 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WKH 270 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WKR 770 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WMF 820 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WMG 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WMH 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2013 | WT 2780 WPM | Front | washer dryer | |
2013 | WT 2789i WPM | built-in | washer dryer | |
2014 | T 8164 WP | Front | dryer | |
2014 | T 8703 | Front | dryer | |
2014 | T 8857 WP | Front | dryer | |
Germany | 2014 | T 8881 S | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TDA 150 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TKB 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TKG 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TKG 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMB 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMG 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMG 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMR 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | W 194 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | TKB 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TKR 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMM 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TMV 840 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | WDA 110 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WDA 200 WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 5861 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 668 F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 666 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 695 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 5889 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKF 120 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKG 120 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKR 570 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WMF 120 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WMG 120 | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WMR 500 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | TKG 440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | TKR 350 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2014 | W 605 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | W 627 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WDA 210 WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKB 130 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKB 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2014 | WKF 130 WPS | Front | washer |
2014 | WKG 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKG 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKH 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKH 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKH 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKH 270 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WKR 770 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WMF 820 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WMG 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WMH 120 WPS | Front | washer | |
2014 | WT 2796 WPM | Front | washer dryer | |
2015 | T 8823 C | Front | dryer | |
2015 | TDA 150 C | Front | dryer | |
2015 | TKB 450 WP | Front | dryer | |
2015 | TKG 450 WP | Front | dryer | |
2015 | WKF 130 | Front | washer | |
2015 | WKG 130 | Front | washer | |
2015 | TKR 450 WP | Front | dryer | |
2015 | WDA 110 | Front | washer | |
2015 | W 5741 | Front | washer | |
2015 | W 5873 WPS | Front | washer | |
2015 | T 8861 WP | Front | dryer | |
2015 | WT 2780 WPM | Front | washer | |
2015 | WDA 210 WPM | Front | washer | |
2015 | WKH 130 WPS | Front | washer | |
2015 | WKR 770 WPS | Front | washer | |
Germany | 2015 | WKB 130 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKB 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKF 110 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKF 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKG 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKF 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKG 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKG 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKH 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKH 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKH 270 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WKR 770 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMB 120 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMB 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMF 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMG 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMG 820 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMH 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMH 260 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMR 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WMV 960 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WDA 110 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WDA 200 WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WDA 210 WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 5889 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 194 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 668 F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 668F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 690 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2015 | W 695 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2015 | WT 2796 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TKB 550 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TKB 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TKC 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TKC 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TKR 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMB 540 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMB 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMG 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMM 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMR 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMV 840 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMM 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMR 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TMV 840 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | T 8703 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | TDA 150 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | T 8164 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2015 | T 8881 S | Front | dryer |
2016 | T 4859 Ci | Front | dryer | |
Germany | 2016 | T 8703 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | T 8881 S | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TCE 630 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TDA 150 C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMB 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | W 194 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 2859i WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 600-95 CH | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 668F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKR 771 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 272 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 271 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 131 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 122 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 121 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKF 131 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 668F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WDD 030 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WDB 030 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMV 963 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMR 863 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMH 262 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMH 261 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 690F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMH 121 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMG 823 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMF 121 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMF 111 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMB 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMB 120 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WDA 201 WPM | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | W 695F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2016 | TKR 850 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TKG 850 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TKG 840 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TCF 630 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TDD 130 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TDB 130 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMV 843 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMR 843 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMM 843 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMG 840 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMB 540 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | TMB 140 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2016 | WDB 030 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKB 130 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMV 900-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKR 500-71 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMR 500-61 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 100-21 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKH 100-31 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMH 100-21 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMF 800-20 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKK 200-30 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKG 100-30 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WKF 100-31 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMF 100-21 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2016 | WMF 100-41 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WKB 100-30 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WMB 100-20 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TMV 800-40 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TKR 800-50 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TMR 800-40 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TKG 800-40 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TKG 800-50 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TMG 800-40 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TKK 600-50 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TKB 600-50 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | TMB 600-50 CH | top | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | T 88-83 Solar CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WT 27-96 CH | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WT 27-89 CH | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WKB 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WKG 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WKG 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WKH 132 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WMG 120 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WMH 122 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WT 2796 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WTF 130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WTH 720 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WTH 730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2016 | WTZH 730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | T 8703 | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | TCE 520 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TCE 630 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TCR 860 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TCR 870 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TDA 150 C | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TDB 220 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TKG 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TKG 650 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TKR 850 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TMG 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TMR 640 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TMR 843 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TMV 843 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TWR 860 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | TWV 680 WP | Front | dryer |
Russia | 2018 | W 668F WCS | top | washer |
Russia | 2018 | W 690F WPM | top | washer |
Russia | 2018 | W 695F WPM | top | washer |
Russia | 2018 | WCR 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Russia | 2018 | WCR 870 WPS | Front | washer |
Russia | 2018 | WCR 890 WPS | Front | washer |
Russia | 2018 | WDB 030 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WDD 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WDB 020 | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WDD 030 | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WKR 571 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WMR 561 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WMV 960 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | W 667 | top | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | W 690 F WPM | top | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | TDD 230 WP | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WKF 311 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WTH 130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WTH 120 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WTZH 130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWV 980 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWR 880 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWR 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWI 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWG 360 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WKH 132 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWI 320 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWI 660 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWE 320 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWE 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2018 | WWE 660 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WMH 122 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCI 330 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCI 670 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCI 660 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCE 330 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCE 670 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCE 660 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WCE 670 WCE | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WDB 020 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WDB 03 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2018 | W668 F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2018 | W 196 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2018 | WTF 130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TWJ 680 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TWH 620 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TWE 520 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | WTF 130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TCJ 690 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TCJ 680 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TCH 630 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TCE 530 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TDB 630 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | WTH 720 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2018 | TDB 230 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2018 | WTH 730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2018 | WTZH 730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | T 8703 | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCE 520 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCR 860 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCR 870 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TDB 220 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWR 860 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | W 600-95 CH | top | washer |
Germany | 2019 | W 668F WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2019 | W 668F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2019 | W 690F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2019 | W 695F WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 870 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 890 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WDD 130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WKF 311 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWV 900-80 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 800-90 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 800-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWR 800-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCR 700-70 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWE 800-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWI 300-20 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCI 600-70 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWI 600-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCE 300-30 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWE 300-20 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCE 600-70 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWE 600-60 CH | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TWV 600-80 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCR 800-70 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWR 800-60 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCR 800-60 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCJ 600-90 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWJ 600-80 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCE 500-30 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWE 500-20 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WTZH 700-30 CH | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WTH 100-20 CH | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WWG760 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWG660 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWG660 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWD320 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWD120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WWD120 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCI870 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCI860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCG370 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCG670 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCG660 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCG670 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCD330 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WDB330 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCD130 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCD120 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WCD130 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TWV680 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWJ660 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWF640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWF500 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWD440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TWB140 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCJ670 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCJ660 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCF650 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCF640 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCD450 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCD440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TCB150 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | TDA150C | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WSR863 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WSI863 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WSG363 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WSG663 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WSD323 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WSD123 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WER875 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WEI875 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WEG375 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WEG675 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WED335 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WED135 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TEJ675 WP | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TEF655 WP | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TED455 WP | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | TEB155 WP | Front | washer |
Germany | 2019 | WTF130 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WTH720 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WTH730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2019 | WTZH730 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Switzerland | 2020 | PWM900-09 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2020 | PWM500-09 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2020 | PWM500-08 CH | Front | washer |
Switzerland | 2020 | PDR900-08 CH | Front | dryer |
Switzerland | 2020 | PDR500-08 CH | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | WSD663 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WSA033 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WWV980 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WCR890 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WWR860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WCR870 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WCR860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WWI860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WCI870 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WWG360 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WCG670 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WDD131 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WWR880WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2022 | WWH860 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2022 | WWE360 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2021 | WCD330 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2021 | WWD660 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2021 | WCA030 WCS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2021 | WCA030 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2021 | WWA028 WPS | Front | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WTD165 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2020 | WTD163 WCS | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2020 | WTW870 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2021 | WTR870 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2021 | WTR860 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2021 | WTI360 WPM | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2021 | WTD160 WCS | Front | washer dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TEL795WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSL783WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TEF775WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSF763WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TEC575WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSC563WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TED455 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSD363WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSD443WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TEC235WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TSC223WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TCA230WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TWD360WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TWV780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TWR780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TCR790WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | TCR780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TWL780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCL790WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCL780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCH790WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TWH780WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCF770WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCF760WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2022 | TWF760WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCC570WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCC560WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TWC560WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TWD440 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCD450 WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TCC230WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2021 | TWC220WP | Front | dryer |
Germany | 2020 | WS613 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW690 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW670 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW630 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW690 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW670 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW630 WPM | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW630 WCS | top | washer |
Germany | 2020 | WW610 WCS | top | washer |
Jak skontaktować się z pomocą techniczną Miele
Jeśli potrzebujesz znać datę produkcji pralki Miele lub innych urządzeń Miele, możesz spróbować skontaktować się z obsługą serwisową firmy i zadać pytanie. Być może uda Ci się uzyskać pomoc, nie masz nic do stracenia, a możesz uzyskać informacje. Dla ułatwienia, poniżej podajemy linki do kontaktu z pomocą techniczną firmy Miele.
- Miele Niemcy – pomoc techniczna tel. 0800 22 44 666
- Miele US – tel. wsparcia 888-996-4353
- Miele UK – pomoc techniczna tel. 0330 160 6600
- Miele Austria – wsparcie tel. 050 800 800